Just make sure you verify the checksum of Handbrake's. To squeeze those massive files into svelter shape, you'll need this free, popular Mac app. For a deeper dive into MakeMKV, consult this Macworld article. (Remember, use those awesome powers only for good.) You'll need a new beta key for MakeMKV roughly every two months, which you can find here. This free-while-in-beta program shrugs off Blu-rays' copy protection and bundles their contents into handy, if hefty, files. But The Wirecutter has a good roundup of more recent drives that cost less and may perform even better. I used an older Samsung SE-506, which sells for around $100 and worked great. To move your movies from disc to disk, you'll need: An external Blu-ray drive However, if you're thinking about using this guide to steal movies you don't actually own, kindly close this window, shut down your computer, and go sit in the nearest corner to contemplate your life choices. If you're making digital copies of movies you own, for your personal use and no one else's, the Feds likely won't bother kicking down your door. VPN Deals: Lifetime license for $16, monthly plans at $1 & more Step 1: Don't be a jerk